Contact us

Rimac São Paulo – Matriz:
Rua da Paz, 1601
4º andar, CJ 416
Chacara Santo Antonio
CEP 04713-002
Sao Paulo – SP

Rimac Santos – Filial:
Av. Washington Luis, 316, sala 171
Gonzaga, Santos – SP
CEP: 11055-000
+55 13 3345-2005

Rimac São Paulo – Head Office:
Rua da Paz, 1601
4º andar, CJ 416
Chacara Santo Antonio
CEP 04713-002
Sao Paulo – SP

Rimac Santos – Branch:
Av. Washington Luis, 316, sala 171
Gonzaga, Santos – SP
CEP: 11055-000
+55 13 3345-2005

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    With a focus on the port, steel, naval, mining, transportation and handling of special cargo areas, RIMAC represents, exclusively in Brazil, the following large foreign manufacturers:

    Rimac São Paulo - Headquarter:


    Rua da Paz, 1601, 4º andar, cjt. 416

    Chácara Santo Antônio, CEP: 04713-002 

    São Paulo - SP - Brasil

    +55 11 5546 0500

    Rimac Santos - Branch:

    Av. Washington Luis, 316, sala 171

    Gonzaga, Santos - SP

    CEP: 11055-000

    +55 13 3345-2005

    Rimac São Paulo - Headquarter:


    Rua da Paz, 1601, 4º andar, cjt. 416

    Chácara Santo Antônio, CEP: 04713-002 

    São Paulo - SP - Brasil

    +55 11 5546 0500

    Rimac Santos - Branch:

    Av. Washington Luis, 316, sala 171

    Gonzaga, Santos - SP

    CEP: 11055-000

    +55 13 3345-2005